Trauma isn’t just reserved for combat, war and extreme violence – it’s something we all experience. Peter Levine, the founder of Somatic Experiencing®, says this: “…originating as a response in the nervous system. Trauma happens when the organism is strained beyond its adaptational capacity to regulate states of arousal.”
When we experience this strain, the nervous system disorganizes, breaks down and cannot reset itself. (Levine)
Somatic Experiencing® understands that trauma is a natural and normal part of life, and that the mind and body is designed to heal traumatic experiences. (Levine) This means trauma and the accompanying symptoms of trauma are not permanent.
As a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Amy’s role is to work within small, manageable ranges of your own body’s resiliency to help facilitate repair and recovery.
If there is one constant, we know that changes and transitions in life never stop. Whether a change we desire such as marriage, a baby, a job promotion or relocating to a new home, all change can be stressful, overwhelming and frustrating. Painful changes such as divorce, job loss or trauma can take a significant toll on our ability to move through life with ease and energy. You may even notice that you struggle to make decisions or feel “stuck” in your ability to take the next step forward.
You are not alone in your struggle to process life transitions. Nearly everyone runs into changes that create feelings of fear, anxiety or uncertainty. Generally, it is not major mental health issues that bring people to therapy, It is often the need to challenge ourselves and learn to push past limitations that enables us to move through life with resiliency.
Anxiety impacts most people in some way every day. We experience anxiety and stress from our jobs, families and relationships. We can often feel an increase in stress and anxiety when turbulent events or changes have settled. What’s more, anxiety has noticeable physiological symptoms such as increased heart rate, trouble breathing, racing thoughts, feeling overwhelmed by sounds, lights, places or people.
By using specific tools and skills we can begin to slow down and support your body and mind in its capacity to experience ease.
Do you and your spouse or partner struggle with repeating the same argument? Have you and your partner drifted apart? Are you frustrated with tension and conflict that leads to avoidance?
Every relationship encounters difficulty, distress and pain. It’s unavoidable. The stress and trauma related behaviors we developed as children are carried into our adult romantic relationships. When these behaviors are left unresolved, we tend to repeat these painful behaviors – even to those we love the most, such as our spouse.
Amy’s role is to help identify, explore and address your conflict that can push you and your spouse to achieve greater depths of intimacy.
By slowing things down we will explore the ways conflict naturally calls on the best in you and your partner. This process increases self-awareness, using open, collaborative dialogue to learn how to hold a picture of your mind and your partner’s mind. Learning to be an individual who can “witness” the other’s internal processes allows for greater transformation, compassion and growth.